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The Seidel Family Blog

2 minutes reading time (381 words)

Getting Closer to Travel


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

We have more exciting news today! Just this week we received our first travel approval! We are so very excited to know we officially have everything in line with JP's paperwork that we are ready to travel. If you are keeping track, that means #1 and #2 in my last update are done!

However, as I mentioned in the last update, due to COVID travel restrictions, we are required to obtain another round of travel approval from a different Philippines governmental agency. We are currently awaiting that approval. While we are uncertain as to how long this approval will take, we have been told other families have been waiting several weeks and continue to wait. We are asking for prayers from everyone that we receive our second approval quickly! We are oh so ready to go see our precious son!

Once we receive this second approval, we will book flights, apply for visitors' visas, and be on our way! We believe we are still likely on a track for a May trip. I continue to pray for an early May trip. In the meantime, we continue to have regular video calls with JP which has been such a blessing to us. We are so excited for the opportunity to begin building relationships even prior to travelling.

Don't forget to send us scripture cards. A few have started arriving (as you can see from our picture), but we would love to have many more to share with JP! We are blessed and he is blessed by all the love and support we are receiving throughout this process.

I will keep this update short and sweet in the hopes that our next update will bring even more exciting news here soon!

Our prayer request – Thank you Lord for allowing us to continue with regular video calls with JP. Each time we talk to him we see your perfect providence and love evident! Thank you for the progress on receiving travel approval. Please bring our final travel approval quickly and allow us to get flights/accommodations booked without trouble. Bring us to our son quickly. Bless our waiting and our preparations. Calm this momma's anxious heart, Lord. Give JP a big hug for us!

Until next time – all of our love!