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The Seidel Family Blog

3 minutes reading time (577 words)

Living Through a Global Pandemic


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

Well…COVID-19 has hit our family…indirectly (for now at least.)

Two weeks ago, we received the expected (but not wanted) notice that the Philippines had temporarily closed the Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) offices – which effectively meant all adoption-related activity was now on hold. This is due to the travel restrictions placed on the Metro Manila area. However, we were updated last week that, although the restrictions remain in Manila (and surrounding areas), the ICAB offices will be open, but with a reduced schedule. It's anticipated, though, not much progress will be made while the COVID-19 runs its course. Only time will tell exactly where we stand once operations get back to "normal" after this pandemic.

As many of you might already know, our county (Jackson County, MO) and many surrounding counties have placed stay-at-home orders. Ours is currently effective until April 24th. As such, our Igniting Business office is closed – as it is not deemed an essential business/operation. We're blessed at our small business to be able to work remotely fairly easily. We're recognizing, though, that some of the changes God lead us to make towards the end of last year at work are directly positively impacting our ability to weather this storm and support our small business clients. For that, we praise God! Above is a picture of our office setups for the next month – and, of course, our very helpful furry friends who aren't quite sure what to do with us each day we're home. However, some of our clients are not so lucky and have had to entirely shut down…others have had significant drops in revenue - our hearts go out to each of them. We're trusting in God that what Satan seeks to use for evil, God will use for His glory!

Our prayer requests this month are twofold:

  • Adoption - Continued patience for the waiting in the adoption process. Our Lord has been faithful to provide both Ben and I peace with the process and where we are, but Satan continues to attack us, nonetheless. As we wait for COVID-19 closings to come to an end and for our kiddos to be matched to us, Lord, we just pray you would continue to fill us with the Holy Spirit's peace that surpasses all understanding. We know you are faithful to provide – both in peace and in Your timing. Be with our kiddos this month and keep them healthy among this pandemic. Please give them peace in all the fear and uncertainty filling the world during this time.
  • COVID-19 – Prayers for all the small businesses impacted by the shut down of many services. Lord, please give each owner guidance on how best to serve you, their employees, and their business in this time. We're praying for discernment and protection on the entire healthcare industry. For all those who are placing themselves in harms way to continue serving others, thank you, Lord, to each of them for their sacrifices. For anyone impacted either health-wise, financially, or otherwise (which encompasses most everyone in the world I would say) – we pray for God's peace that surpasses all understanding. We pray that our amazing Heavenly Father will show His glory and His light through His children in this dark time for the entire world.

We pray you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe in these uncertain times!

Until next time – all of our love!