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The Seidel Family Blog

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We’ve Been Matched: Now What?


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

In case you missed it in the busyness of the holidays, we announced last month we've accepted a match for an 8-year old boy, "JP" (not his real name). Check out that blog if you have not already.

The #1 question we have received from friends and family at this stage: when will JP come home? And that is a great question! As promised last month, below is a brief overview of what we are told to expect at this point and moving forward to travelling to meet JP. I have also noted steps that have already been completed or are in progress.

  1. Send Paperwork and Welcome Album to Philippines – DONE!
    • As is the case in each step of this process, we had plenty of papers to fill out, sign, and notarize to accept to our match. We worked quickly to get those mailed so no one is waiting on us. 😊 We were also able to send JP a "welcome album" to introduce him to his family, home, and community via pictures, a video, and a note from us. This album is extremely special as it helps him envision what his life will be like. We're praying he treasures it as he waits.
  2. Philippines Sends Us Legal Documents – DONE!
    • Just last week, we received JP's legal paperwork. This was an extremely important step, as we needed the documents in order to move onto Step #3 below. It has also been a bit surreal to see and hold his true birth certificate, files, etc.
  3. File Adoption/Immigration Request with US Government – IN PROGRESS!
    • We now need the US government to sign off on our request to adopt JP, in essence. Since JP will be an immigrant, we have to get approval for his visa and prove that we can support him.
    • We officially mailed the papers last week and have received confirmation they were delivered. However, due to COVID, we are told they are significantly behind in processing the paperwork. We are told to expect 10-14 weeks to receive our approval. We are praying God will ensure all our paperwork is in order, requiring no follow-up/delays, and that He will supernaturally speed up this timeline.
  4. US Visa Appointments and Travel Document Prep in Philippines
    • Once we receive our approval from Step #3, the Philippines Intercountry Adoption Board (ICAB) can begin scheduling the various visa appointments required for travel. In addition, the Philippines will ensure all his travel documents are in order (passport, etc.)
    • Unfortunately, at this point, we do not have an exact timeframe on how long this will take. However, it will likely be several months. We are praying for JP to have peace throughout this step, as it will require him to attend many appointments that will likely scare him some (including vaccinations shots).
  5. Travel (YAY!)
    • Once everything above is accomplished, we should receive our approval to travel. We can then make all arrangements for the trip. Usually, the trip happens within a month of receiving travel approval.
    • Given COVID circumstances globally, our trip will likely look different than originally planned. At this point, both the Philippines and the US have fairly strict travel restrictions that will impact how our trip unfolds. We are praying God will remove some of these restrictions by the time we travel and make our trip as smooth as possible.

While the above is just a high-level summary, suffice it to say there are MANY steps in between each of the above summary items. We are continuing to see there are many people/organizations involved throughout the process and patience is necessary to endure the wait. In short, we are still likely at least 5 months out from travel. As a momma waiting to meet her child, this wait is so very difficult and trying. But God is faithful in providing comfort for our hearts as we wait. He continues to assure us His timing is perfect. Praise God – You know so much better than we do!

Below are some pictures of us prepping files for Steps #1 and #3 above. 😊

In the meantime, Ben and I are working hard to prepare our home for JP. This weekend we are wrapping up a lot of his bedroom prep. I am hoping to post a blog next week or the following week with some pictures of all the work we have been doing around the house. Check back soon for an update!

Our prayer request – As you can see, we are praying specific prayers over each step of the process. We encourage you to pick one step and pray over it a bit for us this month. If you have some extra time, pray over all of them for us. 😊

Oh Lord, please be with JP, Ben, and me as we wait to become a family of 3. Give comfort to this momma's, dad's, and son's hearts. We pray that You would continue to bless each step of our journey. We expectantly request that You make each step proceed quickly and smoothly in a way that only You can! Let us proclaim Your goodness every step of the way. Thank you, Lord, for bringing our family together and crafting this journey in a way that glorifies You!

Until next time – all of our love!